Comparison between Udemy and Coursera

June 15, 2021

Comparison Between Udemy and Coursera

Are you considering taking an online course, but don't know where to start? Two of the biggest players in the online learning world are Udemy and Coursera. Both platforms offer a wide range of courses at various price points, but which one is better for you? In this blog post, we’ll compare Udemy and Coursera and help you make an informed decision.

Course Variety

Udemy has a massive library of courses to choose from, with over 155,000 courses taught by expert instructors in various fields. They also have a range of free and paid courses, with prices that range from $9.99 to $499.99.

On the other hand, Coursera offers around 4,000+ courses and specializations, but they are taught by professors and instructors from top universities and companies, with prices ranging from free to $150 per month.

Course Quality

When it comes to course quality, both Udemy and Coursera have their strengths and weaknesses. Udemy is more hands-on and practical since it is primarily based on user-generated content. While the quality is variable, some courses are of very high quality, as instructors are often experts in their fields.

Coursera, on the other hand, offers more academic and theory-based courses, which could be ideal if you are looking to develop new skills or enhance your knowledge in a specific field. All of their courses are created by professors, with most emphasizing research and theoretical concepts.

Course Difficulty

Coursera has a reputation for offering more challenging courses than Udemy due to the fact that their content is primarily academic. They offer a range of beginner, intermediate and advanced level courses, and many of them require a serious time commitment to complete.

Udemy, as we mentioned earlier, offers a wide variety of courses, including beginner-level courses. With many courses that are only a few hours long, it’s an excellent option for getting a taste of a new subject or learning a new skill without investing too much time.

Certification or Accreditation

Certificates of completion and course certifications are available from both platforms, but there is a significant difference between Udemy and Coursera when it comes to course accreditation.

Coursera certifications are often aligned with academic institutions or industry partners, which adds more value to prospective employers. However, they typically charge a fee for their certificates.

Udemy offers course completion certificates and does not typically offer accredited certifications. However, if the goal is to learn a skill, Udemy courses are a great way to focus on acquiring knowledge without worrying about formal certification.


Both Udemy and Coursera are excellent options for individuals who want to learn something new or develop new skills from the comfort of their own homes. Udemy offers more extensive course variety and is ideal for practical, hands-on learning, while Coursera offers more challenging and comprehensive courses that are excellent for individuals who want to advance their careers.

Ultimately, which platform you choose depends on your learning goals and budget. We hope this blog post has helped inform your decision-making.


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